About 2,000 teachers and 10,000
students from all over the Buddhist world, lived and studied in this
international university. It had ten thousand students, one hundred
lecture-rroms, great libraries, and six immense blocks of dormitories four
stories high; its observatories, said Yuan Chwang, "were lost in the vapors
of the morning, and the upper rooms towered above the clouds." The old
Chinese pilgrim loved the learned monks and shady groves of Nalanda so well he
stayed there for five years.
The Nalanda university counted on
its staff such great thinkers as Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Vasubhandu, Asanga,
Sthiramati, Dharmapala, Silaphadra, Santideva and Padmasambhava. The ancient
universities were the sanctuaries of the inner life of the nation.
Another large university was established at Nalanda around 500 B.C.
Approximately one mile long and half-mile wide, this campus housed a large
library, called Dharam gunj (Treasure of Knowledge), that spread over three
buildings, known as Ratna Sagar, Ratnadevi, and Ratnayanjak. Among other
facilities, the university included 300 lecture halls, several laboratories,
and an astronomical research observatory called Ambudharavlehi.
university used handwritten manuscripts for teaching and attracted students and
staff from many countries, including China, Korea and Japan. According to the Chinese
traveler Hieun Tsang, the campus housed 10,000 students, 2,000 professors, and
a large administrative staff.
The Nalanda library was in three
sections housed in three buildings. The one called Ratnodadhi (ocean of pearls)
was, reportedly, nine storeys high. The other two, called Ratnasagar (sea of
pearls) and Ratnaranjak (pearls of recreation), were six storeys each. The
libraries published new works while providing storage for old manuscripts. This
description only provides glimpses into what Huien T’sang wrote in detail.
The university was sacked, plundered,
looted by the Islamic onslaught. Nalanda was burned to the ground in 1197 and
all its monks were slaughtered.
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