
Friday, 2 June 2017


1)   Unit of light intensity
1)   Diapter                          2) Candella
3) Calorie                           4) Decible
2) Source of energy in solar system
1) Moon                             2) Satrun
3) Sun                               4) Commet
3) Opthomolgy is the study of
        1) Sense of Touch               2) Sense of sound
        3) Eye sight                        4) All the above
4) Who proposed Quantum theory
        1) Max Plank                      2) Max Well
        3) Newton                          4) Huygen
5) The velocity of light is first tried to determined by
        1) Newton                          2) Focault
        3) Gallelio                           4) Comer
6) One Light Year
        1) 9.4×1015 cm/s                 2) 9.4×1015 m/s
            3) 9.4×1015 km/s                         4) 3×108 m/s
7) Biggest unit to measure Distance
        1) Ligt year                                2) Fermi
        3) Kilometer                       4) Par-Sec
8) Sir C.V.Raman’s Raman Effect is based on which theory
        1) Cell theory                      2) Quantum theory
        3) Wave theory                   4) Electro Magnetic theory
9) During thunder bolt light is observed first and sound is observed next, this is due to
        1) Less light velocity            2) More sound velocity
        3) More light velocity           4) Light And Sound velocity are same
10) Based on size Sun belongs to
        1) Large                             2) Medium
        3) Dwarf                            4)

11) The light emmited from the stars indicates
1) Size of the star                2) Mass
        3) Density                          4) Temperature
12) Due to which property of light ecilipse are formed
        1) Rectilinear propogation     2) Interfernce
3) Difraction                       4) Refletion
13) The apparent depth of Reserviour is due to
1) Refraction                      2) Interfernce
3) Difraction                       4) Reflection
14) In which of the following transparent materils light velocity is minimum
1) Glass                             2) Water
3) Diamond                                4) Air
15) Which physical quantity is unchanged when light travells from air to glass
1) Wavelength                    2) Amplitude
3) Velocity                          4) Frequency
16) For which of the pair Refractive Index are same
        1) Air, Glass                        2) Glass, Water
3) Water, Diamond              4) Air, Diamond
17) Which colour has maximum velocity in water
        1) Green                            2) Blue
3) Purple                            4) Yellow
18) Which colour has minimum energy ?
        1) Orange                          2) Yellow
3) Green                            4) All the above
19) Pure Diamond appears
        1) Red                               2) Black
3) Colourless                       4) Green
20) Light intensity was measured by ?
        1) Photometer                    2) Stroboscope
3) Calidioscope                    4) Telescope

21) Which physical quantity changes when light emitted by sun travells in vaccum
        1) Velocity                          2) Wavelength
3) Intensity                        4) All the above
22)  Light interference depends on
        1) Angle of incidence           2) Nature of surface
3) Colour of light                         4) All the above
23) When light is observed through cracks of glass plate then which colour is seen
        1) White                             2) Black
3) Thick green                    4) Differrent colours     
24) Which colour is harmfull to eye
        1) Indigo                            2) Yellow
3) Voilet                             4) Blue
25) Which property of light was not shown by Sound
        1)                             2)
3) Reflection                       4) Polarisation

1) 2
2) 3
3) 3
4) 1
5) 3
6) 2
7) 4
8) 2
9) 3
10)               2
11)               4
12)               1
13)               2
14)               3
15)               4
16)               2
17)               4
18)               1
19)               3
20)               1
21)               3
22)               4
23)               4
24)               3
25)               4

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