
Saturday, 22 April 2017


      This act has added a new Part-IX to the Constitution of India. It is entitled as ‘ThePanchayats’ and consists of provisions from Articles 243 to 243 O. In addition, the act has also added a new Eleventh Schedule to the Constitution. This schedule contains 29 functional items of the panchayats. It deals with Article 243-G.
       The act has given a practical shape to Article 40 of the Constitution which says that, “The State shall take steps to organise village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government.” This article forms a part of the Directive Principles of State Policy.
       The act gives a constitutional status to the panchayati raj institutions. It has brought them under the purview of the justiciable part of the Constitution. In other words, the state governments are under constitutional obligation to adopt the new panchayati raj system in accordance with the provisions of the act. Consequently, neither the formation of panchayats nor the holding of elections at regular intervals depend on the will of the state government any more.
       The provisions of the act can be grouped into two categories—compulsory and voluntary. The compulsory (mandatory or obligatory) provisions of the act have to be included in the state laws creating the new panchayati raj system. The voluntary provisions, on the other hand, may be included at the discretion of the states. Thus the voluntary provisions of the act ensures the right of the states to take local factors like geographical, politico–administrative and others, into consideration while adopting the new panchayati raj system.
        The act is a significant landmark in the evolution of grassroot democratic institutions in the country. It transfers the representative democracy into participatory democracy. It is a revolutionary concept to build democracy at the grassroot level in the country.

Articles Related to Panchayats at a Glance

Article No.
Gram Sabha                 
Constitution of panchayats
Composition of panchayats
Reservation of seats
Duration of panchayats, and so on
Disqualifications for membership
Powers, authority and responsibilities of panchayats
Powers to impose taxes by, and funds of, the panchayats
Constitution of finance commission to review financial position
Audit of accounts of panchayats
Elections to the panchayats
Application to union territories
Part not to apply to certain areas
Continuance of existing laws and panchayats
Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters

      Eleventh Schedule contains the following 29 functional items placed within the purview of panchayats:
1.     Agriculture, including agricultural extension
2.     Land improvement, implementation of land reforms, land consolidation and soil conservation
3.     Minor irrigation, water management and watershed development
4.     Animal husbandry, dairying and poultry
5.     Fisheries
6.     Social forestry and farm forestry
7.     Minor forest produce
8.     Small-scale industries, including food processing industries
9.     Khadi, village and cottage industries
10.            Rural housing
11.            Drinking water
12.            Fuel and fodder
13.            Roads, culverts, bridges, ferries, waterways and other means of communication
14.            Rural electrification, including distribution of electricity
15.            Non-conventional energy sources
16.            Poverty alleviation programme
17.            Education, including primary and secondary schools
18.            Technical training and vocational education
19.            Adult and non-formal education
20.            Libraries
21.            Cultural activities
22.            Markets and fairs
23.            Health and sanitation including hospitals, primary health centres and dispensaries
24.            Family welfare
25.            Women and child development
26.            Social welfare, including welfare of the handicapped and mentally retarded
27.            Welfare of the weaker sections, and in particular, of the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes
28.            Public distribution system
29.            Maintenance of community assets.

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