
Sunday, 1 August 2021

Indian Polity Quiz 5

Indian Polity Quiz

Indian Polity Quiz 5

  • Total number of questions : 10.
  • Each question carry 1 mark, no negative marks.
  • All the best :-).
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    1. The Union Council of Ministers consists of:
    (a) Prime Minister
    (b) Cabinet Minister
    (c) Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers of the States
    (d) Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers
    Ans: (d)

    2. The portfolios are allocated to the ministers by:
    (a) the President
    (b) the Prime Minister
    (c) collective decision of the Council of Ministers
    (d) individual choice
    Ans: (b)

    3. The salary and perquisites of the Prime Minister of India are decided by the:
    (a) Constitution
    (b) Cabinet
    (c) Parliament
    (d) President
    Ans: (c)

    4. The Prime Minister is said to hold office during the pleasure of the President but in reality he stays in office as long as he enjoys the confidence of:
    (a) the electorate
    (b) the Lok Sabha
    (c) the party to which he belongs
    (d) Parliament
    Ans: (b)

    5. In the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister:
    (a) the Ministry is dissolved
    (b) fresh general elections must take place
    (c) the Cabinet may choose another leader
    (d) the President decides what to do
    Ans: (a)

    6. The Prime Minister is :
    (a) elected by Lok Sabha
    (b) elected by the Parliament
    (c) appointed by the President
    (d) nominated by the party enjoying majority in Lok Sabha
    Ans: (c)

    7. The Prime Minister:
    (a) is head of government
    (b) is the leader of Lok Sabha
    (c) may change the portfolios of the Ministers at will
    (d) may do all the above
    Ans: (d)

    8. Is the Prime Minister bound to advise the President on matters on which his advice is sought?
    (a) Yes
    (b) No
    (c) It is discretionary
    (d) If the Council of Ministers so desires
    Ans: (a)

    9. The rank of the different Ministers in the Union Council of Ministers is determined by the:
    (a) President
    (b) Prime Minister
    (c) Cabinet Secretary
    (d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
    Ans: (b)

    10. In Parliamentary Government, Ministers remain in office so long as they enjoy:
    (a) confidence of the upper house of the legislature
    (b) support of the armed forces
    (c) confidence of the popular chamber of legislature
    (d) popular support
    Ans: (c)

    Indian Polity Quiz 4

    Indian Polity Quiz

    Indian Polity Quiz 4

  • Total number of questions : 10.
  • Each question carry 1 mark, no negative marks.
  • All the best :-).
  • Progress:




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    1. A resolution for impeaching the President can be moved after at least fourteen days' notice signed by :
    (a) not less than 50 members of the House
    (b) not less than one-third of the total number of members of the House
    (c) not less than one-fourth of the total number of members of the House
    (d) at least 100 members of Lok Sabha and 50 members of Rajya Sabha
    Ans: (c)

    2. The Constitution:
    (a) is silent on the President's re-election to the office
    (b) allows re-election of a person to the President's post
    (c) restricts a person to remain President for only two terms
    (d) has been amended to allow a person only one term as President
    Ans: (b)

    3. The executive authority of the Union is vested by the Constitution in the:
    (a) Prime Minister
    (b) President
    (c) Cabinet
    (d) Union Legislature
    Ans: (b)

    4. The legislative powers of the President include all the following but:
    (a) the power-to summon or prorogue the Houses of Parliament
    (b) the power to summon a joint sitting of the Houses to resolve a deadlock
    (c) the power of nominating 12 members to the Lok Sabha
    (d) the right to address either House at any time and it requires the attendance of members for this purpose
    Ans: (c)

    5. Which of the following Chief Justices of India has acted as President of India?
    (a) M. Hidayatullah
    (b) P.B. Gajendra Gadkar
    (c) P.N. Bhagwati
    (d) All of the above
    Ans: (a)

    6. Who was the member of the Rajya Sabha when first appointed as the Prime Minister of India ?
    (a) Lal Bahadur Shastri
    (b) Indira Gandhi
    (c) Morarji Desai
    (d) Charan Singh
    Ans: (b)

    7. Who among the following Indian Prime Ministers could not vote for himself during the 'Vote of Confidence' that he was seeking from the Lok Sabha?
    (a) VP Singh
    (b) PV Narasimha Rao
    (c) Chandra Shekhar
    (d) Manmohan Singh
    Ans: (d)

    8. Which one among the following features of the Constitution of India is indicative of the fact that the real executive power is vested in the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister?
    (a) Federalism
    (b) Representative Legislature
    (c) Universal Adult Franchise
    (d) Parliamentary Democracy
    Ans: (b)

    9. Which one among the following" is the basis of difference between the Parliamentary and Presidential system of government?
    (a) Power of Judicial review
    (b) Method of election of President/Head of the State
    (c) Legislative supremacy in law making
    (d) Relation between the legislature and the executive
    Ans: (b)

    10. The authorization for the withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India must come from
    (a) The President of India
    (b) The Parliament of India
    (c) The Prime Minister of India
    (d) The Union Finance Minister
    Ans: (b)

    Indian Polity Quiz 3

    Indian Polity Quiz

    Indian Polity Quiz 3

  • Total number of questions : 10.
  • Each question carry 1 mark, no negative marks.
  • All the best :-).
  • Progress:




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    Your Answer

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    1. Who has the authority to remove the Vice-President from his office before the expiry of his term?
    (a) Rajya Sabha
    (b) Parliament
    (c) Lok Sabha
    (d) Supreme Court
    Ans: (c)

    2. Which one of the following resigned as Vice-President to contest for the office of the President?
    (a) Dr. S.Radhakrishnan
    (b) V.V. Giri
    (c) Fakhruddin AIi Ahmed
    (d) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
    Ans: (b)

    3. When the Chairman of Rajya Sabha acts as President, the duties of the Chairman are performed by :
    (a) himself
    (b) a newly elected Chairman
    (c) the Deputy Chairman
    (d) a member of Rajya Sabha deputed by the Chairman
    Ans: (c)

    4. Disputes regarding the election of the President and Vice-President are settled:
    (a) in the Supreme Court
    (b) by the Election Commission
    (c) by a Parliamentary Committee
    (d) in the Supreme Court of High Courts
    Ans: (a)

    5. What function is specifically prescribed by the Constitution for the Vice-President of India?
    (a) Vice-Chancellorship of Universities
    (b) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
    (c) To assist the President in times of Emergency
    (d) None of the above is correct
    Ans: (b)

    6. When the Vice-President acts as President he gets the emoluments of the :
    (a) President
    (b) Vice-President
    (c) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
    (d) President in addition to what he gets as Chairman of Rajya Sabha
    Ans: (a)

    7. An election to fill a vacancy in the office of Vice-President occurring by reason of his death, resignation or removal, has to be held:
    (a) within six months of the occurence of the vacancy
    (b) within a year of the occurrence of the vacancy
    (c) as soon as possible after the occurrence of the vacancy
    (d) after the expiration of the term if the remaining period is less than three months
    Ans: (c)

    8. Who elects the Vice-President?
    (a) The same electoral college which elects the President
    (b) Members of the Rajya Sabha
    (c) An electoral college consisting of members of Parliament
    (d) Members of Parliament at a joint Meeting
    Ans: (c)

    9. The resolution for removing the Vice-President of India can be moved in the:
    (a) Lok Sabha alone
    (b) either House of Parliament
    (c) Joint Sitting of Parliament
    (d) Rajya Sabha alone
    Ans: (d)

    10. If a resolution impeaching the President is passed, the President is considered to have been removed:
    (a) from the date on which the resolution is passed
    (b) once the Chief Justice of India takes out an order to the effect
    (c) as soon as the Gazette of India notifies it
    (d) once the new incumbent is elected
    Ans: (a)